Why Join

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Without Â鶹ÊÓƵwe would not be as strong of a company as we are today. Â鶹ÊÓƵis a central resource for training, learning, and sharing knowledge to the next generation of constructors.

Sean Woerman , Senior Account Manager

Lydig Construction
Ready to Join

Value of Membership

608,875 Total scholarship funds awarded in 2023

2,904 CM-BIM and CM-Lean credential holders as of December 2023

15,000,000 Total saved by members with AGC’s discount programs in 2023

15,000,000 Total saved by members with AGC’s discount programs in 2023

4,000,000 Amount Â鶹ÊÓƵmembers received in rebates from the Home Depot program

100+ Educational and networking opportunities were offered in 2023

Building A Better Industry.

Since 1918, contractors throughout the country have relied on Â鶹ÊÓƵto support their businesses, find new projects, and help shape the laws impacting the industry. Join your local Â鶹ÊÓƵChapter today and start building a more profitable future for your business.

Find Work. Save Money. Build Better.


Â鶹ÊÓƵmembers saved more than $15 million using AGC’s discount programs in 2023 and received more than $4 million back in rebates from AGC’s Home Depot program.

Be Profitable

Be Profitable – Â鶹ÊÓƵpartners with trusted companies like FedEx, Home Depot, Michelin and more to ensure our members receive the best savings possible as they continually grow their businesses. Learn more at agc.org/save.

Ready to Join


3,500 Â鶹ÊÓƵmembers connected with other industry professionals during 20+ live meetings and events. In addition, nearly 5,000 Â鶹ÊÓƵmembers participated in 40 webinars held in 2023.

Get Connected

Joining Â鶹ÊÓƵmeans having the Entire industry, from every region and specialty, right at your fingertips. Our live events and virtual programs offer countless opportunities to connect with peers, explore new business prospects, and build your network.

Ready to Join


Â鶹ÊÓƵlistens to our members and represents your interests on Capitol Hill. In 2023, Â鶹ÊÓƵhelped elect 211 pro-construction candidates to Congress.

Be Heard

Â鶹ÊÓƵis the only association inside Washington fighting for the interests of the entire construction community. Since 1918, we’ve relentlessly demonstrated the industry’s value and priorities to our elected officials. In addition, Â鶹ÊÓƵsecured multiple wins out of the U.S. Supreme Court, led coalitions, and reviewed and shared input on proposed regulations making a significant impact on legislation.

Ready to Join


More than 2,904 industry professionals have earned their CM-Lean or CM-BIM designation. In addition, 600 students participated in 36 virtual courses through the Â鶹ÊÓƵEDGE program in 2023.

Be Smarter

As a leader of industry best practices, Â鶹ÊÓƵoffers numerous training programs and accredited credentials for professionals of all backgrounds and areas of expertise (PMDP, STP, BIM, Lean, CSF). In addition to in seat education, the Â鶹ÊÓƵEDGE program, has transformed construction industry training through live virtual training that offers members’ flexibility.

Ready to Join

Workforce Development

Â鶹ÊÓƵis actively involved in enhancing workforce development in the construction industry by modernizing recruitment strategies and retaining new workers as well as aiming to create more inclusive work environments and address workforce shortages.

Â鶹ÊÓƵhas partnered with chapters across the country to reach potential workers and their caregivers to promote the benefits of careers in construction. In addition to recruiting for the industry, 900+ member firms have taken AGC’s Culture of CARE pledge. This initiative provides members with valuable resources to help create a more welcoming and inclusive work environment. These examples are just a couple ways Â鶹ÊÓƵis working to increase the workforce and retain existing workers.

Ready to Join

Risk Management

Â鶹ÊÓƵactively leads environmental and sustainability initiatives, offers discounts on standard contracts and documents, prioritizes mental health challenges and suicide prevention, and is focused on physical safety by offering training.

Through education, resources, litigation, and mobilization of volunteers, Â鶹ÊÓƵsupports and promotes jobsite safety, worker mental health, address environmental issues, and helps manage company risks.

Engagement Opportunities

Â鶹ÊÓƵhas diverse opportunities and tools to help you grow your business, increase your professional network, stay on top of industry trends, and connect with and learn from members across the country.

Business Development

Increase profits and productivity with best-in-class training and education, peer-driven best practices, and access to owners.

Industry Data

Your best source for economic and workforce data, plus all the breaking industry news you need.

Divisions & Forums

Engage with a network of industry peers to address key issues impacting you and your business.


Get involved through one of many volunteer roles that play a vital part in leading and advancing AGC.


Benefit from the strength and expertise of our nationwide network of 89 local and state Â鶹ÊÓƵchapters.

Conferences & Events

Meet with decision-makers and learn from industry leaders during AGC’s full roster of events.