
Education Breakout Highlights for the 2023 Highway, Transportation & Utility Infrastructure Construction Conference

There’s less than a month for the year’s focused on highway, transportation, and utility infrastructure contractors! While you’re waiting to attend the event on November 8-9th, plan your days by checking out the following two education sessions.

Robotics and Automation in Construction
In recent years, on-site construction robotics has emerged as a game-changing technology in the construction industry, promising increased efficiency, safety, and cost savings. This panel discussion will cover real-world examples of successful implementation of on-site construction robotics in various construction projects, highlighting the benefits and challenges associated with the use of these technologies. Danielle Proctor with Advanced Construction Robotics and Tim Taylor with Brayman Construction Corp. will provide insight into how their organizations approach technology at each stage of the construction process, and how they adopt a culture of innovation within their organizations. Join us and step onto the cutting edge of construction innovation.

HWY 52 Emergency Contract: Utilizing Relative Surface Scan Data for Design, Optimization, and AMG Milling
In October of 2020, emergency maintenance work was performed on Hwy 52 in Southern California. This stretch of road was deemed highly unsafe to the traveling public. To complete the project the entire stretch of freeway was shut down for 48 hours over a holiday weekend. Due to the limited time frame, and complexity of the rehab work to be done, it was decided to utilize 3D LiDAR Scanning and AMG milling to re-design and correct the surface of this road.

This presentation will disclose, in detail, how an agency and contractors worked together on a difficult project to provide the best product for the taxpayer. Curtiss Dorr with Topcon Position Systems and Don Matthews with Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. will highlight existing conditions, design, methods, and equipment used to complete this project. Additionally, it will cover in detail the state of the art technology used to facilitate 70 percent smoothness improvement and successfully repair the extreme conditions of this road.

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