
Construction Employment Increases In 234 Of 358 Metro Areas From March 2023 To March 2024 As Demand For Many Types Of Projects Grows


Construction employment rose in 234, or 65 percent, of 358 metro areas between March 2023 and March 2024, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of new government employment data. Association officials noted that demand for a range of projects, from infrastructure to manufacturing and data centers, continues to grow in many parts of the country even as firms struggle to find enough workers.

“While high interest rates and post-Covid work patterns are reducing demand for certain types of projects, the overall construction market remains strong and many firms are still expanding their payrolls,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “But most firms are struggling to find enough workers as the number of qualified, available workers remains insufficient to satisfy the demand.”

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