
Nevada Chapter CLC Embrace Pandemic Challenges

The Nevada Chapter Construction Leadership Council (CLC), founded in 2013, fulfills the need to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the construction industry. CLC provides an opportunity for members to network, develop leadership skills, serve their community, and exchange ideas about the industry and challenges they face as mid-career professionals. Although the pandemic made it nearly impossible to conduct any in-person events or meetings, we managed to make magic happen!

Thankfully, we had already been putting on a successful Sporting Clay Shoot and this was our 7th year in a row. Although we had to postpone the event until August (typically held in May), the setting at Carson Valley Clays was perfect for social distancing with a sporting clay course spread throughout the hills of Douglas County, far outside the city limits. A world away with shooting stations spaced so far apart, you need to have a pickup or side by side to complete the course. This event was a much-needed break from the difficult year our members had been facing. We raised $12,000 which was about 30% less than the year prior, but still a feat we’re proud of.

Due to the successful sporting clay shoot, we were able to donate $12,000 to the Academy For Career Education (ACE) Charter High School. ACE is a skilled trade, automotive and CAD design focused public charter high school dedicated to preparing students for careers as soon as they graduate. Although ACE receives the Washoe County per student allowance, they are denied access to the Washoe County School District Building and Grounds Fund and must finance their own real estate, capital improvements, staff salaries, supplies, utilities, etc. from the per student allowance, grants, or private fundraising. This donation has helped more than ever because a portion of their funding was reduced due to COVID related issues.

Another event, in which we were fortunate to have an existing formula for success, was our annual Fall Golf Tournament. Although we couldn’t do a “shotgun start”, we still were able to host a successful tournament complete with hole sponsors! We had beautiful weather, and everyone was happy to have a day outside with their fellow committee members. We raised over $16,000, exceeding years prior, to conduct our philanthropic outreach for the upcoming year.

Later in the fall, when restrictions were starting to loosen up, we were able to hold an in-person mixer at a bocce ball facility. Although attendance was slightly less than we typically would see for a mixer, the eagerness of our members to network and enjoy an after-work cocktail with each other made this a wonderfully successful event.

For our 4th year in a row, we adopted five families from Lemelson STEM Academy, AGC’s Partner-in-Education. Lemelson is a Title 1, Science and Technology elementary school located in an at-risk community in Reno. A high number of families who attend this school struggle with low income and have a need for assistance to provide Christmas presents for their children. CLC Members stepped up by fulfilling the families wish lists to help make their Christmas dreams come true. We ended up donating 11 bikes and nearly 200 wrapped presents and delivered them via contactless delivery to the families in need.

Members of the CLC partnered with our Women in Construction Committee to donate time and talent to help Dress for Success get ready for their grand opening this spring. Dress for Success is a 501(c)3 serving women in the community by helping them into/return to the workforce. Their mission is to empower women to be financially successful by providing them with the proper work attire and soft skills necessary to get a job and to succeed. Some of the labor and material donations we made were an overhead lighting fluorescent-to-LED retrofit, provided and installed shelving for the lingerie room, added power outlet for Sales Counter, and lighting retrofits in restrooms.

For the 3rd year in a row, CLC participated in St. Baldrick’s Shave for the Brave and was successful in raising $2,000 for Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation. Three committee members had the courage to go “Bald by Choice” and brave the clippers, revealing their scalps to the world! We booked a local barber and shaved together.  Not only did we raise $2,000 dollars for the Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation, but we also supported a local business.

Our CLC raised money via a Poker Tournament in 2019 to buy a 12’ x 32’ shade structure for a local non-profit in need and The Eddy House was a perfect fit! The Eddy House helps provide counselling, employment training, legal services, and short-term temporary housing to Homeless Youth 18-25 in the Reno area. They recently expanded to a new facility and were interested in the shade structure to enhance their outdoor space with some shade to enjoy.

Bud Beasley, a local elementary school that we had worked with in the past, reached out to CLC knowing that we support construction projects at schools. They had a problem they were hoping we could help solve. Despite their best efforts, the outdoor toys they had for recess were being stolen by people in the neighborhood jumping their fence at night. They asked if we could help build a structure to store their toys in at night to protect them from would-be thieves. With their help, we identified a shed, visited the site to find the best location, and on a spring Saturday, we as a committee, prepped the area, assembled the shed and created a secure location for the students' toys.

Despite the hurdles that 2020 threw at us, our CLC has done a tremendous job keeping the momentum going. We are extremely proud of our accomplishments over the last 12 months and look forward to celebrating many more successes within our community in the future!