
鶹ƵWorks to Support Environmental Review Reform; Calls for Federal Government to Stop NEPA Treadmill

On Feb. 24, 鶹ƵCEO Steve Sandherr, along with other national business leaders, spoke at a press briefing on the need to streamline the environmental review process for projects that require federal approval in order to in modern, efficient infrastructure while advancing good environmental stewardship. On Feb. 25, 鶹Ƶpresented the same message at the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) public hearing on out for public comment that would update the rules implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The proposed NEPA reforms would set shorter timelines for completing environmental impact reviews as well as clear up ambiguous wording and definitions that have led to litigation and project delays over the years. It would also stop agencies from wasting time and money on redoing environmental studies or recreating existing data and introduce more accountability and transparency into the review process – all steps recommended by AGC in the prior comment period.

At both events 鶹Ƶstated: “We can’t build a better and greener future if projects designed to make our economy more efficient and resilient are stuck in never-ending federal reviews.” 鶹Ƶcontinues to remind the public and the press that under CEQ’s proposal, 鶹Ƶcontractors would still have to comply with every substantive environmental requirement currently in place.

The proposal has broad implications for many construction projects that require a federal permit or authorization, a federal land management decision, or federal funding. 鶹Ƶwill submit comprehensive comments prior to the March 10 public comment deadline; nearly 79,000 submissions have already been sent to the

For more information, contact Leah Pilconis at