
Tell Congress to Oppose Unfair Union Organizing Bill

Jeopardizes Long-Standing Employee and Employer Rights

to oppose the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 2474/S. 1306). This bill is an unprecedented attempt to fundamentally change dozens of well-established labor laws to assist organized labor without regard to their detrimental impact on workers, employers—union and open-shop—and the economy. If enacted, the PRO Act would—among other things—allow unions to launch disruptive protests and pickets against any employer, even those having nothing to do with a labor dispute; impose a “backdoor card check” exception to employees’ well-established right to a secret ballot election; and impose mandatory third-party arbitration where a union and employer do not reach agreement, undermining the collective bargaining process. Click to take action and send a message to your U.S. Representative and Senators.

For more information, contact Jim Young at
