
Trump Infrastructure Plan Unveiled; Includes Environmental Streamlining

Tell Congress to Invest in Infrastructure NOW

AGC applauded President Trump for releasing his $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan on Feb. 12, which includes several AGC-supported environmental streamlining provisions such as a "One Federal Decision" environmental review structure, firm timelines and deadlines for the entire approval process, limits on redundant and duplicative roles/processes in the Clean Water Act 404 federal permitting program, and reforms to citizen suit provisions to prevent the misuse of environmental laws. President Trump has repeatedly asserted that the current environmental approval process discourages the infrastructure investment needed to strengthen our economy and improve the environment and our quality of life.

We link here to one-page summaries of the administration's ,  and  proposals. With action on an infrastructure bill moving to Congress, it is critical that the construction industry lets Congress know that the time for infrastructure investment is now.  right now so that they understand that investing in and improving our nation's infrastructure helps America prosper.

For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at or for questions on environmental streamlining, contact Leah Pilconis at