
Highway Authorization Expires in Five Weeks

Have Your Members of Congress Heard from You? 

In just five weeks, on May 31, highway and transit program authorization ends. Even with an extension of authorization, additional revenue is needed in the HTF by mid-summer or the Department of Transportation (DOT) will have to implement “cash management” practices which will result in slow or reduced reimbursements to states for on-going construction projects. Several states have cancelled contract lettings or reduced the number of projects in the lettings because of this uncertainty. Additionally, feedback from speakers and Hill visits at last week’s Transportation Construction Coalition Fly-In indicate that it is unlikely that Congress will be able to pass legislation before the deadline and yet another short-term extension will be necessary — the thirteenth short-term extension in the past five years.

This highlights the need to continue to press your senators and representative to fix the Highway Trust Fund. The  site is the best way for you and your employees to get the message to your legislators today. Thank you to those who have already sent messages; currently there is a series of five different messages on the website for your use. Even if you and your employees have sent a message recently, please send another. Congress needs to understand the impact of its inaction.

For more information, please contact Brian Deery at or (703) 837-5319.