
Webinar: Winning Work: Proposals That Sell

A well written proposal is one of the keys to winning future projects and the growth of your company. So what is your company’s proposal missing? Is your company chasing the right projects? Should your company consider teaming with another company to edge out the competition? These and many more questions will be addressed during the Winning Work: Proposals that Sell webinar. Three seasoned Business Development professionals will dissect the proposal writing process from three stages of proposal writing:
  1. Pre-proposal – Winning a proposal starts long before the proposal is written. Learn which projects to pursue, identify client values that may not be listed in the RFP, and other pre-positioning techniques.
  2. Proposal content – During pre-proposal research your company will have identified unique themes that you will want to thread throughout the proposal. Learn to effectively highlight the elements that make your company unique through use of graphics, lists, and layouts to say a lot in a few words.
  3. Joint Ventures – Does partnering give your company a competitive edge? If, so learn the structure you’ll need to create the most efficient proposal process.
This webinar will provide key take-a-ways and tools on how to improve your proposal writing process. for more details.