
As New Federal Fiscal Year Begins, the Clock Ticks Toward Another Highway Trust Fund Crisis

With Oct. 1 marking the beginning of fiscal year 2015, the 31-member organization Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) urged Congress to find a way to pay for, and pass, a new long-term surface transportation measure as soon as possible.  They cautioned that failure to act would lead to another self-imposed funding crisis that would undermine vital road, highway and transit repairs. “We worked hard to build broad consensus within a deeply-divided Congress for investing in the nation’s aging roads, bridges and transit systems,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, the chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America and the Coalition’s co-chair.  “Members of Congress can either take advantage of that momentum or add transportation funding back to an already-long list of self-created crises threatening our economic vitality.” Read the full release .