
Nebraska Approves Keystone XL Pipeline Route

After months of review and re-review in Nebraska, Gov. Heineman approved a new route for the Keystone XL Pipeline on Tuesday. The news from Nebraska spawned an unusual bipartisan letter from 53 US Senators (44 GOP and 9 Dem). The letter to President Obama urged swift presidential approval of the permit to build the pipeline from Canada. The letter citing energy independence and job creation benefits of the pipeline construction was lead by Senator John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.). The pipeline project was also discussed at the confirmation hearing of Secretary of State nominee John Kerry, as the state department is in charge of reviewing the plans for the pipeline and recommending an action to the president. Former Sen. Kerry said, “There is a statutory process with regards to the review and that is currently ongoing. It will not be long before that comes across my desk, and I will make the appropriate judgments about it.” For more information, please contact Jeff Shoaf at (202) 547-3350 or