
Senate EPW Committee Schedules Reauthorization Markup

The bipartisan leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee; Chairman , Ranking Member Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee and subcommittee Ranking member announced today that they will markup a two-year surface transportation bill on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 10:00 a.m.Ìý According to the announcement, the bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), maintains spending at current levels plus inflation, greatly increases leveraging of federal dollars, and reforms the programs’ administration. Outlines of the bill have been provided previously but the actual legislative language is not yet available. While the bill calls for maintaining current funding levels, to achieve those levels, additional Highway Trust Fund revenue must be found. Identifying the necessary revenue is the responsibility of the Senate Finance Committee. Sen. Baucus, Chair of the Finance Committee, has been working with Sen. Boxer in identifying a revenue source. For more information, please contact Brian Deery at (703) 837-5319 orÌý Ìý