
Recovery Board Chairman Supports Move to Expand Reporting Requirements

Not satisfied with the amount of reporting required of contractors receiving work from “direct” federal and federal-aid work, Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board Chairman Earl Devaney stated that it is time to expand current reporting requirements to capture stimulus project recipient awards at every level and has asked the Administration to implement that recommendation. Current reporting rules from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) require prime recipients and first-tier subrecipients to report how they are using Recovery Act funds. But subsequent layers of subrecipients currently are exempt from the requirements. Chairman Devaney believes that in order to present the clearest picture possible, it is necessary to require reporting at every level to ensure tax dollars paid out to contractors are not misappropriated. 鶹Ƶexpressed substantial concern over the amount of detail and the burden of reporting the amount of information called for in the reporting rules. In addition, 鶹Ƶexpressed great concern about how expanding the requirements to lower tiers would provide substantial challenges and numerous pitfalls for prime contractors whose sub-recipient reports were to be found inaccurate. 鶹Ƶwill stay on top of this issue and work to ensure the current requirements are not expanded substantially in a manner that would provide additional burdens on construction contractors working for the federal government. To read the details of Chairman Devaney’s recommendations, . For more information, please contact Marco Giamberardino at (703) 837-5325 or