
Administration Announces Tiger II Grant Awards

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced nearly $600 million in TIGER II discretionary grant awards for major infrastructure projects ranging from highways and bridges to transit, rail and ports. In total, forty-two capital construction projects and 33 planning projects in 40 states will receive funding from this program.  According to the US DOT, roughly 29 percent of TIGER II money was awarded for road projects, 26 percent for transit, 20 percent for rail projects, 16 percent for ports, four percent for bicycle and pedestrian projects and five percent for planning projects. A list of the projects can be .   The Tiger grant program was first started as part of the ARRA stimulus legislation which included $1.5 billion in funding. Over $60 billion was requested in the Tiger I program from the $1.5 billion made available in ARRA. The $600 million in funding for the Tiger II grants was included in the US DOT FY 2010 appropriation legislation. There were over 1000 applications requesting $19 billion of Tiger II funding.  Selection for award was based on an evaluation by DOT judging the likelihood of the project to address sustainability and economic competitiveness.  The planning grant portion of the Tiger II awards were selected in conjunction with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) judging the ability of the projects integrate transportation, housing and urban development.  Joining DOT and HUD in the evaluation of the planning grant applications were the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As part of Livability initiative DOT signed a memorandum of understanding with HUD and EPA to cooperate on future integration of transportation and housing planning. Â