
EPA Rule Could Stop Future Construction – Action Needed

EPA is seeking public input on regulating greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and construction equipment. 鶹Ƶand many other industry groups are mobilizing members and chapters to stop EPA. We can only do this by sending as many individual comments as possible in response to EPA’s Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Members can submit customized comments easily using a template comment letter on the 鶹Ƶweb site. Comments must be customized and received by November 28, 2008 to count. Click to submit your customized comments today. AGC’s primary concern is that using the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas emissions could halt building construction and jeopardize funding for highway and transportation projects. Once EPA controls a greenhouse gas under almost any section of the Act, most buildings in the U.S. that emit that “pollutant” would become subject to costly and time-consuming permitting and construction requirements under EPA’s Prevention of Significant Deterioration program. Another section of the Act would require EPA to develop standards for greenhouse gas emissions that states would need to incorporate into their implementation plans. Penalties for noncompliance include the loss of funding for future highway projects. 鶹Ƶalso is concerned with several proposed new requirements regarding fuel use and types, manufacturing of new equipment, and operating of equipment. 鶹Ƶpreviously reported that the EPA planned to issue an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to “discuss and solicit public input” on how to use the Clean Air Act to control greenhouse gas emissions. To read the full 鶹Ƶarticle, which provides a background on the EPA’s decision to issue an ANPR and some of the potential impacts click .