
Historic Election 5 Days Away

This year has been one of the most interesting and unpredictable in American Presidential politics. The campaign for the White House began nearly a year ago and will be over on Tuesday. While the Presidential election is gripping the headlines, an equally important contest for the construction industry is the battle for Congress.  Democrats are expected to expand their majorities in both Houses of Congress and may cross the 60 vote threshold (filibuster-proof margin) in the Senate. An expanding Democratic majority has major implications for the business and construction industry. The Democratic leadership has already hinted at a tide of new labor, environmental and tax proposals that will be considered during the next Congress. 鶹Ƶwill continue to advocate on behalf of its members and will be busy amending and defeating detrimental legislation. Sen. Obama’s top labor policy is passage of “Card Check,” a bill that will deny employees the right to determine whether they want to be represented by a union in a secret ballot election, and require employers who become unionized to submit to binding arbitration to settle contract disputes. Defeat of this legislation will be top priority for AGC.   鶹Ƶwill also urge Congress to consider increased investment in infrastructure. Several major funding bills will expire next Congress, including SAFETEA-LU, the multi-year surface transportation funding bill. In addition, 鶹Ƶwill urge Congress to include infrastructure investment in a second economic stimulus bill after the Election. The future of this stimulus hinges on the outcome of the election and it is possible Congress could consider the legislation during a “lame duck” session.   It is important that the construction industry votes on Election Day, as the outcome will directly affect the industry.  Due to expected record voter turnout and the time constraints of individuals working in the industry, 鶹Ƶurges contractors to vote early. One-third of all voters will vote early, and because of this new trend 鶹Ƶhas created a Web site with polling locations, addresses, polling hours and other information.  Make sure your voice counts on Election Day.